Pastor Matt Malin
Christian Education: 9:45 AM
Worship Service: 10:30 AM


Mackey Salem Welcomes all who come to worship with us. If you are without a church home, we invite you to become an active part of our congregation. We encourage children to participate by coming forward for the Children’s Corner. A supervised nursery is available for infants and children through age 4. Wireless personal hearing devices are available upon request. Restrooms are located in the basement and through the hall in the middle aisle of the sanctuary to your right. If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the Voice from the Pew and place in the offering plate, suggestion box, or return it to the Pastor.


"Kid's Place"

Our goal for the children and youth at Mackey Salem United Methodist Church is to teach about our loving God and seek to lead them into a personal relationship with Him. Our ministries for children and youth include opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service. We are dedicated to supporting families in providing a spiritual foundation for children and youth, so that each one might know the excitement of life in Christ.




God's Smile

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

VBS 2012

We had a great 2012 VBS.  Babylon:  Daniel's Courage in Captivity!  Hope to see everyone next year!!  Our kids raised enough money to buy over 50 nets for underprivileged kids!